HUGH LAURIE (Music Management Only)

Hugh Laurie has released two albums celebrating early American blues, a genre that drive's Hugh's musical raison d'être, since signing to Warner Bros Records in 2010 and embarking on his music career - a decision perhaps best explained by Hugh himself... "I was not born in Alabama in the 1890s. You may as well know this now. I've never eaten grits, cropped a share, or ridden a boxcar. No gypsy woman said anything to my mother when I was born and there's no hellhound on my trail, as far as I can judge. Let this record show that I am a white, middle-class Englishman, openly trespassing on the music and myth of the American South. These great and beautiful artists lived it as they played it: all of them knew the price of a loaf of bread and most had times in their lives when they couldn't scrape it together. They had credentials, in other words, and I respect those as much as the next man, possibly more. But at the same time, I could never bear to see this music confined to a glass cabinet under the heading Culture: Only To Be Handled By Elderly Black Men. That way lies the grave, for the blues and just about everything else; Shakespeare only performed at the Globe, Bach only played by Germans in tights. It's formaldehyde, and I pray that Lead Belly will never be dead enough to warrant that."